Executive Summary
Chesapeake Conservancy believes that the Chesapeake conservation community must respond to a regional and global crisis which imminently threatens our natural areas and wildlife by committing to the protection of 30% of the Chesapeake Bay watershed by 2030.
来自世界各地的科学家已经建立了明确和不可否认的证据,证明世界生物多样性面临迫在眉睫的威胁. In the Chesapeake Bay, 环保界已经投入了大量资源来保护海湾的健康, its rivers, 还有我们的森林和栖息地, 但环保人士承认,面对人口增长和土地利用迅速变化,有必要加大努力.
区域保护组织, 比如东海岸土地保护协会, 在2030年前为德尔马瓦半岛制定50%的战略, 是否开始采纳和追求更大的景观保护目标.
Chesapeake Conservancy is calling for a regional effort to protect 30% of the Chesapeake Bay watershed by pursuing a precision conservation approach that would optimize resources and protect lands with the greatest value for water quality, outdoor recreation, wildlife habitat, and local economies. A precision conservation approach for 30 x 30 in the Chesapeake Bay will target funds toward high-value lands and set a landscape-scale model for other landscapes to follow.
Conservation scientists are in nearly unanimous agreement that earth is currently in or is on the brink of a sixth mass extinction of biodiversity event.[1] 科学家们发现,目前脊椎动物物种灭绝的平均速度, 与由于竞争和自然选择而自然发生的背景比率相比, 是背景灭绝率的100倍或更高吗.[2] A 2019 report by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) finds that of the estimated 8 million species in existence on earth, 目前有100万个物种面临灭绝的严重威胁.[3] Ten years ago, members of the United Nations agreed to a ten year strategic plan on targets for biodiversity conservation; in September 2020, the United Nations issued its Global Biodiversity Outlook report which found that countries had failed to meet any of the targets set forth in 2010.[4]
物种灭绝速度加快的主要原因包括海洋和土地利用的变化, 直接利用生物, global climate change, pollution, 外来入侵物种.[5] 地球上超过三分之一的陆地表面和近75%的淡水资源用于农业用途.[6]
以应对这一紧迫的全球危机, 科学家们呼吁在全球范围内大幅增加保护工作和栖息地的保护. Renowned biologist E.O. Wilson [请参阅2022年2月23日发布的声明. 威尔逊对科学种族主义的支持 呼吁将地球上一半的土地和水献给大自然.[7] 另一组科学家,包括Dr. 乔治梅森大学的托马斯·洛夫乔伊说, 呼吁到2030年保护30%的地球, 还有另外20%的地球被指定为气候稳定区, 作为到2050年保护地球一半的里程碑.[8] “全球自然协议”将这些保护目标作为保护生物多样性所需的门槛, mitigate climate change, 减少对生态系统和物种持久性的威胁.[9]
到2030年达到30%的运动在美国全国范围内获得了相当大的牵引力. In 2019, 参议员Tom Udall(民主党- nm)和Michael Bennet(民主党- co)提出了一项全国目标,即保护美国30%的温室气体.S. 美国境内的陆地和30%的海洋.S. territory by 2030.[10] 该决议也在民主党官方2020年竞选纲领中被采纳.[11] In October 2020, 加州州长加文·纽森(Gavin Newsom)宣布,该州将在2030年前为加州的土地和水域设定30%的目标.[12]
Ecological importance: 美国最大的河口, the Chesapeake Bay is one of the most biologically productive environments in the world and the Bay watershed is home to more than 3,600种动植物.[13] The Bay itself is one of the most productive fisheries in the United States and contributes about one-third of the nation’s total blue crab harvest.[14] 切萨皮克湾流域也是100万只水禽的冬季栖息地, including ducks, geese, and swans.[15]
A significant portion of the Chesapeake Bay watershed is included in one of the United States’ two biodiversity hotspots: the North American Coastal Plain (NACP).[16],[17] The NACP includes 1,800 endemic plant species, 51 endemic bird species, 还有114种地方性哺乳动物. An estimated 85.NACP中5%的自然植被已被显著改变或开发供人类使用.
土地保护有助于保护和恢复切萨皮克许多不同的栖息地, 反过来也有助于保护和恢复切萨皮克生态系统的生物多样性.
保护林地和其他自然土地提供了额外的经济利益. 保护土地提供多种生态系统服务,直接有益于人类健康和福祉. For example, 森林提供水污染处理, water flow regulation, 以及空气污染治理的好处. A study on ecosystem service benefits of the Chesapeake Bay region finds that forests provide $74 billion dollars in benefits per year.[18]
节约土地和保护森林, wetland, 和其他生态系统对于恢复和保护切萨皮克湾是不可或缺的. 2014年的切萨皮克湾流域协议设定了到2025年在流域额外保护200万英亩土地的目标, 约占总分水岭的24%. 在2019年里程碑报告中, 十大赌博正规老平台伙伴组织估计,保护社区已经实现了这一目标的68%, protecting 1.自2010年以来的3600万英亩.[19] 这本身就是一项了不起的成就, but the Partnership also recognized the increasing stress on nature due to a growing population and other environmental stressors that threaten the region’s nature and wildlife. 湾区流域人口预计将达到2000万或更多, 土地利用变化和开发增加, and projections for increased precipitation and severe weather events due to climate change will all have a substantial negative impact on water quality in the watershed, 以及陆地和鸟类野生动物的栖息地.
For these reasons, 在全球生物多样性危机的背景下, Chesapeake Conservancy believes it is appropriate and feasible to pursue a 30% by 2030 conservation objective for the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Which 30 Percent?
考虑到与土地使用有关的各种利益和问题, there are several priorities which would allow the conservation community to focus its efforts in conserving the remaining 8% of the Chesapeake watershed to achieve 30% by 2030. 根据海湾令人难以置信的多样化地理和人口,这些优先事项的重要性各不相同. 为保护这些土地而采取的法律保护类型也因土地用途而异. 十大赌博正规老平台合作组织已经确定了切萨皮克的优先土地, 重点关注五个类别:农场, forests, habitat, human health, and heritage. 根据伙伴关系的标准确定的土地约占整个切萨皮克流域的50%.
以及十大赌博正规老平台伙伴关系确定的价值, 还有其他的价值和生态系统的好处应该被纳入到切萨皮克湾的30 × 30战略中, 比如环境正义和水质. Chesapeake Conservancy believes that we must optimize resources dedicated to conservation by prioritizing lands that would result in the greatest number of benefits (water quality, habitat, outdoor recreation, etc.), 并挑战保护界根据这种精确的保护方法集中其集体努力.
Achieving 30 Percent
Community buy-in
保护了30%的切萨皮克湾流域, 优先分配土地以实现利益最大化, 是否需要许多利益相关者的参与. 十大赌博正规老平台伙伴关系及其成员是实现这一目标的主要力量, 并且必须采用30 × 30作为合作关系的下一个最高目标. In turn, it is important that the greater Chesapeake community recognizes the relevance and importance of achieving 30% for the health of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. 因此,切萨皮克湾计划应采用30 × 30作为正式目标.
Chesapeake Conservancy seeks to play a leading and collaborative role in helping conservation partners to prioritize efforts through its 环保创新中心.
Enhanced resources
公共资金仍然是保护资金的最重要来源, 以及来自联邦政府的公共资金, state governments, 地方政府必须增加,以满足日益增长的保护需求. 近年来,一些项目获得了显著的增长, 这将极大地造福于切萨皮克湾流域.
- Federal programs:
- Land and Water Conservation Fund: The Land and Water Conservation Fund provides funding for federal land acquisition (National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局.S. 林业局)以及州和地方公园的收购和发展. In 2020, 国会通过了《十大赌博平台排行榜》, 是什么使LWCF的拨款成为强制性的,是什么将为LWCF每年提供9亿美元的资金.
- In the past twenty years, 切萨皮克湾流域已经收到了大约1亿美元的LWCF资金(联邦方面), 还有上千万美元的州政府拨款. The Great American Outdoors Act will strongly boost funding for both federal land conservation and state and local conservation efforts.
- 农业保护地役权计划(农业法案):根据美国农业部, ACEP “helps landowners, land trusts, 其他实体保护, restore, and enhance wetlands, grasslands, 以及通过保护地役权经营的农场和牧场.”[20]
- 北美湿地保护法案:根据美国.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, “NAWCA计划为美国的湿地保护项目提供配套赠款, Canada, and Mexico.”
- As of 2018, NAWCA已经在宾夕法尼亚州支持了29个项目, across 55,430 acres, 通过1900万美元的拨款. 合作伙伴为NAWCA提供了额外的7100万美元.
- 在马里兰州,截至2018年,NAWCA通过14美元支持了占地50,332英亩的24个项目.拨款700万美元和58美元.600万的匹配合伙人资金.
- 在弗吉尼亚州和2018年, NAWCA支持了55个国家的29个项目,430 acres, 通过1900万美元的赠款和7100万美元的配套合作基金.
- 在特拉华州和2018年, NAWCA支持了10个国家的10个项目,803 acres, 通过600万美元的拨款和1200万美元.600万的匹配合伙人资金.
- Land and Water Conservation Fund: The Land and Water Conservation Fund provides funding for federal land acquisition (National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局.S. 林业局)以及州和地方公园的收购和发展. In 2020, 国会通过了《十大赌博平台排行榜》, 是什么使LWCF的拨款成为强制性的,是什么将为LWCF每年提供9亿美元的资金.
- State programs:
- 马里兰州:在马里兰州和2019财年,拨款1.45亿美元用于土地保护
- Program Open Space
- Rural Legacy Program
- 马里兰农业用地保护基金会
- 弗吉尼亚州:在弗吉尼亚州和2019财年,拨款6200万美元用于土地保护
- 土地保存税抵免
- 弗吉尼亚户外基金会
- 弗吉尼亚土地保护基金会
- 战场保护基金
- Farmland Preservation Fund
- Mitigation
- 宾夕法尼亚州:在宾夕法尼亚州和2019财年,为土地保护拨款4600万美元
- 楔石康乐、公园及自然保育基金
- Oil and Gas Lease Fund
- 环境管理基金
- Farmland Preservation
- 绿道、小径和娱乐项目
- 流域恢复和保护项目
- 特拉华州:在特拉华州和2019财年,为土地保护拨款1900万美元
- Open Space Program
- 农地保存计划
- 林地保护计划
- Young Farmers Program
- 西弗吉尼亚州:在西弗吉尼亚州和2019财年,拨款500万美元用于土地保护
- 农田保护计划
- 户外文物保育基金
- DNR野生动物资源土地征用
- Mitigation
- 纽约:在纽约和2019财年,划拨了7400万美元用于土地保护.
- Open Space Program
- 农业和农田保护计划
- Park, Recreation & Historical Preservation
- Source Water Protection
- 马里兰州:在马里兰州和2019财年,拨款1.45亿美元用于土地保护
仅靠公共资金是不足以在切萨皮克湾实现30 × 30的目标的, 而且,公共资金往往需要私人资金的配合. 有几个基于市场的选择可以吸引私人资本进入切萨皮克湾的保护
- Mitigation banking: Several mitigation banking firms operate within the Chesapeake Bay watershed and have completed restoration projects that include conservation easements. 通过修复工程的完成, mitigation banks generate credits that can be purchased by private and public entities who must comply with mitigation requirements from projects with environmental impacts.
- Carbon credits: The voluntary carbon market and California carbon market have enabled additional means to achieve conservation through projects that sequester carbon and generate credits. Forest land, agricultural lands, 切萨皮克湾的湿地都能吸收碳, 信贷市场的发展潜力巨大,这将使私人投资于保护项目成为可能.
What is being done today?
Chesapeake Conservancy has been selected for a client-based Master’s Project for Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment that will engage four graduate students in research to help Chesapeake Conservancy build the scientific and economic case for 30 x 30 in the Chesapeake Bay. 学生将在一学年完成研究,并于2021年4月提交研究结果.
到2030年保护30%的切萨皮克湾流域, 优先考虑保护工作,使自然和人类的利益最大化, 对自然保护界来说,这是一个合适可行的目标吗. 来解决目前野生动物面临的压力, ecosystems, working lands, and the Bay itself, 并为未来对该地区自然产生更大影响的未来做好准备, 环保团体应该在2030年为切萨皮克制定30%的目标. 以我们共同的保护努力为目标可以改善河流和溪流的健康, 它可以扩大获得娱乐的机会, 它可以保护农场和森林, 它可以保存我们独特而珍贵的景观遗产.
[1] 美国自然历史博物馆. “National Survey Reveals Biodiversity Crisis – Scientific Experts Believe We Are In Midst Of Fastest Mass Extinction In Earth’s History.” April 20, 1998. http://www.mysterium.com/amnh.html
[2] Ceballos, Gerardo et al. 加速现代人类导致的物种损失:进入第六次大灭绝.科学进展,2015年6月19日,卷. 1, no. 5. http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/1/5/e1400253
[3] Diaz, Sandra et al. 《十大赌博平台排行榜》.“生物多样性和生态系统服务政府间科学政策平台.”
[4] Yeung, Jessie. 联合国的一份报告称,世界为拯救自然设定了2020年的最后期限,但没有一个目标实现.” CNN. 2020年9月16日http://www.cnn.com/2020/09/16/world/un-biodiversity-report-intl-hnk-scli-scn/index.html
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] E.O. 威尔逊生物多样性基金会. 《半个地球:地球的生命之战.“http://eowilsonfoundation.org/half-earth-our-planet-s-fight-for-life/
[8] Dinerstein, Eric et al. 《保护自然的全球协议:指导原则、里程碑和目标》.《十大赌博平台排行榜》2019年4月19日. Vol. 5, no. 4. http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/5/4/eaaw2869 #: ~:文本= % 20全球% 20协议% 20 % 20的本性,丰富% 20 % 20的生活地球上% 20 % 20.&文本= % 20 gdn % 20目标% 20的2030% - 25%,保持% 20低于201年%.5%C2%B0C.
[9] Ibid.
[10] 参议员汤姆·尤德尔办公室. “尤达尔,班纳特提出了制定国家保护目标的重大决议:保护30%的美国土地.S. Lands and Ocean by 2030.” 22 October 2019. http://www.tomudall.senate.gov/news/press-releases/udall-bennet-introduce-major-resolution-to-set-national-conservation-goal-conserve-30-of-us-lands-and-ocean-by-2030#:~:text=introduced%20a%20major%20Senate%20resolution,% 20达到% 20 % 20引爆% 20点吗.
[11] David Shiffman. “如何彻底改变美国的生物多样性保护”.S.” Scientific American. 4 October 2020. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-to-revolutionize-biodiversity-conservation-in-the-u-s/
[12] Paul Rogers. 纽森宣布计划保护加州30%的土地和沿海水域.” The Mercury News. 7 October 2020. http://www.mercurynews.com/2020/10/07/newsom-announces-plan-to-conserve-30-of-californias-land-and-coastal-waters/
[13] Lindsay Eney. “为什么切萨皮克湾如此重要?” Chesapeake Bay Program. 22 October 2010. http://www.chesapeakebay.net/news/blog/why_is_the_chesapeake_bay_so_important. Accessed 7 April 2020.
[14] “Our Treasured Ecosystem.“马里兰州环境部. http://mde.maryland.gov/programs/Water/TMDL/TMDLImplementation/Pages/what-is-the-bay.aspx#why_is. Accessed 7 April 2020.
[15] “Chesapeake Bay.“国家野生动物联合会. http://www.nwf.org/Educational-Resources/Wildlife-Guide/Wild-Places/Chesapeake-Bay. Accessed 7 April 2020.
[16] 关键生态系统伙伴关系基金. “美国的生物多样性热点.关键生态系统伙伴关系基金. http://www.cepf.net/our-work/biodiversity-hotspots/north-american-coastal-plain. Accessed 6 April 2020.
[17] A biodiversity hotspot is defined as a region with exceptional biodiversity that has been significantly impacted by land use change. 一个生物多样性热点必须至少包含1个,500种特有的维管植物,它必须失去至少70%的原始表面积的发展
[18] Spencer Phillips & Beth McGee(2016):清洁切萨皮克湾的生态系统服务效益, Coastal Management, DOI: 10.1080/08920753.2016.1160205
[19] 十大赌博正规老平台伙伴关系. 《十大赌博平台排行榜》.” 2019. http://www.chesapeakeconservation.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/CCP_publication_SD_FD-R-FINAL.pdf
[20] http://www.nrcs.usda.gov / wps / portal / nrc /主/国家/程序/地役权/ acep /