“每年, 十大赌博正规老平台 recognizes extraordinary leaders from across the Chesapeake for their significant and exemplary accomplishments that protect and restore our natural systems and cultural resources.”
自2014年以来, we have recognized numerous individuals and organizations as 切萨皮克的冠军 for their dedication to the conservation and preservation of the Chesapeake Bay, 美国最大的河口, 被视为国宝.
Nethra Purushothaman
一小群女童子军, 由14岁的Nethra Purushothaman领导, challenged the Girl Scouts National Capital Council on their plans to sell hundreds of acres of forested habitat in Prince George’s County, 马里兰, 发展. Nethra和她的朋友们为东马尔顿森林挺身而出. 在十大赌博正规老平台协会和马里兰州塞拉俱乐部的指导下, 看来这些高大的小英雄取得了胜利, 大部分土地将成为查尔斯布兰奇溪谷公园的一部分.
詹姆斯和西尔维娅·厄尔是十大赌博正规老平台协会的长期支持者. Their decision to leave a lasting legacy by providing a workspace for local conservation nonprofits will profoundly affect Chesapeake Conservation for generations to come. 十大赌博正规老平台协会知道, 非营利组织面临的最困难的挑战之一是为管理费用筹集资金, 比如租金. 通过让保护协会拥有自己的建筑, 厄尔家族的十大赌博正规老平台将减轻当地几家非营利组织的负担, 以及提供协作和资源共享的空间. 十大赌博正规老平台协会永远感谢他们对我们重要工作的支持.
文斯·莱格 |
安妮·理查森局长, 接受部落 |
文斯·莱格 is recognized for his efforts to preserve Black history and culture on the Chesapeake Bay. 15年来, 莱格特不知疲倦地工作以保护埃尔克托尼亚海滩, a five- acre waterfront parcel on the Chesapeake Bay that is the last remnant of the original 180-acre property purchased by Fred Carr in 1902. 卡尔海滩和斯派洛海滩是由弗雷德·卡尔的女儿们私人拥有和经营的, 伊丽莎白·卡尔·史密斯和弗洛伦斯·卡尔·斯派洛. 《十大赌博正规老平台》(1930 -1970), 他们被称为, represented the heart of entertainment throughout the mid-Atlantic region and welcomed Blacks during a time of segregation. | Chief Anne Richardson has been instrumental in the return to the 接受部落 of a 465-acre sacred site at Fones Cliffs on the eastern side of the Rappahannock River. 这个网站, 被称为Pissacoack, 是否会永久受到保护地役权的保护,并用作娱乐和教育用途. Fones Cliffs is also home to bald eagle nests and has been designated by the National Audubon Society as an Important Bird Area with global significance. |
\u201cIn the early years of the Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network, 乔纳森做了一根手杖, 建立了一个由来自整个分水岭的创新思想家组成的工作组, 为Gateway项目拨款数百万美元, 并与地区内170多家工厂建立了合作伙伴关系,\u201d said 约翰 Reynolds, a member of the 十大赌博正规老平台\u2019s board of directors and former deputy director of the National Park Service (retired), 是谁代表十大赌博正规老平台协会颁奖的.<\/p>\n<\/div>","tablet":"","phone":"